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日本福岛(fukushima)的可怕灾难标志着2011年成为欧洲(尤其是德国)能源辩论急剧转向的一年。欧盟委员会(european commission)迅速启动了对欧盟143座反应堆的压力测试,而德国修订了之前延长寿命的政策,并决定在2022年之前逐步停止使用核能。除了福岛的灾难之外,日本的海啸还损失了7千兆瓦的燃煤电厂和相关的港口基础设施,这提醒各国政府,拥有一个强大的电力系统和备用能力是多么重要。随着间歇性可再生能源在欧盟电力供应中的比重越来越大,可靠容量、备份和电网服务的需求必须成为确保供应安全的优先事项(见第4页)。随着全球能源消耗的增加,化石燃料燃烧产生的二氧化碳排放量也在增加。据国际能源署估计,2010年的排放量为306亿吨。欧盟委员会(european commission)的能源政策以未来几年实现一定的减排为基础,并假设世界其他国家将效仿。然而,证据很明显:世界其它地区没有效仿。自1990年《京都议定书》基准年以来,全球二氧化碳排放量大幅增长了46%,欧盟所占份额相对较小,仅为12%。虽然我们欢迎一项针对气候目标的能源政策,但我们必须确保委员会在其通讯和立法提案中适当反映煤炭的重要作用。煤炭是欧盟发电的第一大燃料,也是我们最经济、最安全的电力来源。欧洲有能力通过发展技术、建立良好的做法和作出现实的能源政策决定来树立良好的榜样。如果我们足够成功地维持我们强大的工业基础,由一个强大的能源系统提供动力,那么世界上的其他地区可能会受到鼓舞。
the terrible disaster at fukushima in japan marked 2011 as a year when the energy debate in europe, especially in germany, took a sharp turn. the european commission swiftly initiated stress tests on the eu’s 143 reactors whilst germany revised its former policy of life-time extension and decided to phase out its use of nuclear power by 2022. beyond the disaster at fukushima, 7 gw of coal-fired power plants and related port infrastructure were lost to the japanese tsunami and reminded governments everywhere of just how important it is to have a robust power system with reserve capacities. as intermittent renewables grow to account for more of eu electricity supply, the need for reliable capacity, backup and grid services must become a priority to ensure security of supply (see page 4).
along with global energy consumption, co2 emissions from fossil-fuel combustion have grown. in 2010, emissions are estimated by the international energy agency to have been 30.6 billion tonnes. the european commission bases its energy policy on achieving certain emission reductions over the coming years, and assumes that the rest of the world will follow. however, the evidence is clear: the rest of the world is not following. global co2 emissions have grown by a massive 46% since the 1990 baseline year of the kyoto protocol and, at 12%, the eu’s share is relatively small. whilst we welcome an energy policy that addresses climate objectives, we must ensure that the commission properly reflects the important role of coal in its communications and legislative proposals. coal is the no.1 fuel for electricity generation in the eu and remains our most economic and secure source of electricity.
europe has the capacity to set a good example by developing technology, establishing good practices and taking realistic energy policy decisions. if we are successful enough to maintain our strong industrial base, powered by a robust energy system, then other regions of the world might be inspired to follow.
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