我的心灵藏书馆 纪伯伦散文诗选 英文版 (黎)卡里·纪伯伦原著;彭萍丛书主编;沈忆文,吴樯,徐阳,周玮丛书副主编;刘宇笑,彭萍本书导读与注释 2018年版免费下载-米乐app官方
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- 更新时间:2024-06-04
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我的心灵藏书馆 纪伯伦散文诗选 英文版 作者: (黎)卡里·纪伯伦原著;彭萍丛书主编;沈忆文,吴樯,徐阳,周玮丛书副主编;刘宇笑,彭萍本书导读与注释 出版时间:2018年版 内容简介 u3000u3000《纪伯伦散文诗选》收录了纪伯伦的《先知》和《沙与沫》两部作品。《先知》包含28首散文诗,属于哲理抒情诗集,借智者之口回答了关于爱憎、善恶、美丑、罪罚等人生和社会问题;《沙与沫》属于抒情散文诗集,以“沙”“沫”等自然景物为比喻,讲述人生既短暂渺小又永恒伟大。《纪伯伦散文诗选》是一本关于生命、艺术、爱情、人生的东方箴言书。 目录 the prophet 2 the coming of the ship 8 on love 12 on marriage 14 on children 16 on giving 20 on eating and drinking 22 on work 26 on joy and sorrow 28 on houses 31 on clothes 33 on buying and selling 35 on crime and punishment 40 on laws 43 on freedom 46 on reason and passion 48 on pain 50 on self-knowledge 52 on teaching 54 on friendship 56 on talking 58 on time 60 on good and evil 63 on prayer 65 on pleasure 68 on beauty 71 on religion 73 on death 75 the farewell sand and foam a tears and a smile 132 laughter and tears 136 before the throne of beauty 139 the city of the dead 142 a poet’s death is his life 145 vision 147 yesterday and today 151 the criminal 153 leave me my blamer 156 song of the wave 159 song of the rain
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