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euracoal-年度报告-2015-rev05(2015)euracoal-annual-report-2015-rev05(2015) euracoal-年度报告-2015-rev05(2015)euracoal-annual-report-2015-rev05(2015)


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很高兴向大家介绍euracoal 2015年度报告。对于煤炭行业来说,这是忙碌的一年,它不得不面对许多挑战,这些挑战不仅来自艰难的市场环境,还来自积极的气候政策。反化石燃料运动有了新的势头,我们必须学会接受对进步持不同观点的人。许多人希望煤炭消失,但我们不能简单地抛弃欧洲的工业基础,希望享受未来的繁荣。气候政策的一个令人担忧的结果是,正是这些活动为经济增长创造了条件。为了想要负担得起和安全的电力消费者,我们应该避免成为依赖世界上不稳定地区的能源。环境委员会全年共享信息,于2015年4月28日召开会议,讨论以下问题: large combustion plants best available  techniques (bat) reference document (lcp  bref)  management tailings 和 waste-rock  mining activities best available techniques  reference document (mtwr bref)  medium combustion plants (mcp) directive  national emission ceilings directive  packaging 和 packaging waste directive 和  landfill directive  no net loss (nnl) initiativeeuracoal市场委员会的目的是提供关于欧洲硬煤和褐煤的生产、进口和消费的准确、一致和及时的数据,并在定期的市场报告中公布这些数据。

i am pleased to present the euracoal annual  report 2015. it was a busy year for the coal  industry which had to face many challenges  arising not only from a difficult market  environment, but also from aggressive climate  policies. the anti-fossil fuels movement gained a  new momentum and we must learn to live with a  diversity of views on progress. many would wish  coal to disappear, but we cannot simply throw  away europe’s industrial base and hope to enjoy  future prosperity. dismantling the very activities  that created the conditions for economic growth is  a worrying result of climate policy. for the sake of  electricity consumers who want affordability and  security, we should avoid becoming dependent on  unstable regions of the world for our energy.

the environment committee shared information  throughout the year, meeting on 28 april 2015 to  discuss the following issues: large combustion plants best available  techniques (bat) reference document (lcp  bref) management of tailings and waste-rock in  mining activities best available techniques  reference document (mtwr bref) medium combustion plants (mcp) directive national emission ceilings directive packaging and packaging waste directive and  landfill directive no net loss (nnl) initiative

the aim of the euracoal market committee is to  deliver accurate, consistent and timely data on  production, imports and consumption of hard coal  and lignite in europe, and to publish these data in  regular market reports.
